Eine Ära geht zu Ende: Die meterhohen Buchstaben am Mühleturm wurden abmontiert, die Fassade gereinigt. Somit verbringt der Turm das Wochenende im Adamskostüm, bevor «Bane» am Montag den Pinsel am grauen Beton ansetzt.
The End of an Era: The meter-sized letters have been removed from the Mühleturm, the facade has been cleaned. Now the tower has to spend its weekend completely naked. «Bane» will apply the first brushstroke to the concrete on Monday.
The End of an Era: The meter-sized letters have been removed from the Mühleturm, the facade has been cleaned. Now the tower has to spend its weekend completely naked. «Bane» will apply the first brushstroke to the concrete on Monday.